Easytime gallery paranorman aggie
Easytime gallery paranorman aggie

easytime gallery paranorman aggie
easytime gallery paranorman aggie

If you pay attention to the feeding sequence you will notice that storm clouds recede and dissipate, a visual narrative that confirms this. They won’t understand her.Ĭasual reminder that the reason Lilo obsessively feeds the fish is because her parents died in a rainstorm and she firmly believes Pudge controls the weather.

She’s not having an easy time trying to be a parent, but she knows none of this is her sisters fault, and shes not going to let her think it is.Īnd half of her terror of losing Lilo isnt even just losing her family its knowing that wherever Lilo goes, they won’t know how to do these things. And you know what? Shes not ending this day by letting her little sister think this is her fault. This is a great moment because she probably *remembered* that Lilo said this once.

Nani spends the entire movie stressed out over taking care of her sister, trying to find a job, trying to make sure her sister has a friend, and yet she is always willing to put that extra effort, over and over again, to make sure that Lilo always believes that anything is possible. The only time we truly see Nani get angry with Lilo is when she is scared of Lilo being taken away. NANI SPENDS THE ENTIRE MOVIE MAKING SURE THAT LILO NEVER FEELS LIKE HER IDEAS ARE WRONG. She tells her, “We don’t have a lobster door, we have a dog door.” She makes sure the woman at the pound does not tell Lilo that “Stitch is not a real name”. When Lilo asks for a pet lobster, Nani does not tell her that lobsters are not pets. Nani recognized what were important habits for Lilo. Lilo was allowed to take as many photos of whatever mundane or odd subjects as she wanted and Nani would get them developed. Nani does not argue the logic of feeding him, only suggests an alternative sandwich when they are out of peanut butter. Pudge the fish got a peanut butter sandwich every Thursday. She is not only protective of Lilo, she respects the way Lilo’s imagination and quirkiness works. I have honestly been waiting AGES for the right gifset to express the wonderful perfection that is Nani. She writes an extra part in the book (for extra credit), telling the history about the Salem witch trials and how it affected Blithe Hollow.Nani was NINETEEN and such a fucking badass who was so protective of lilo and just ROLLED with aliens being a thing towards the end of the movie.She (along with Norman, Neil, and Alvin) have the same science teacher named Mr.In the movie, only Norman and Neil are bullied by Alvin but in the book, she is included.According to the book, Salma's parents lecture her if she gets an A instead of an A+.She doesn't really consider Norman as a friend until the end after she helps him find Aggie's death certificate and stop the zombies.

easytime gallery paranorman aggie

  • Salma had a more major role in the book.
  • She seems to be taking an interest in Fusion Reactors, as she seen with a book called "My First Fusion Reactor" and a trophy labeled "Fusion Reactor".
  • According to the movie, one of her trophies confirm her I.Q to be 192.
  • Her last name is Ramsay, as seen on one of her trophies.
  • " Well, duh! People found guilty of witchcraft weren't considered people anymore.".
  • You guys go on this big supernatural adventure, and you're calling me in the middle of the night because you need someone to help you do your homework?"
  • " Why is the witch always a hideous old crone with a pointy hat and a broomstick? I don't believe this is historically accurate, Mrs.

  • Easytime gallery paranorman aggie